We sailed to Scotland and reached the Hebrides!!
We are back in Norway!! This last post is about our journey from Isle of Man to Norway!
Norway part 3
This was our last week in Norway for now, and we have so much to tell you!
Norway part 2
We continue our holiday in Norway with two confirmations!
For the first time in almost two years we are travelling back home to Norway!!
After almost two years of sailing in the Med it was time for a short travel back to Norway.
What?? We have sold our boat!!
We have sold our boat!! After 11 years we sold our Felizia to a woman in Førde, our next town. It was sad to say goodbye.
Check out the westernmost island Kinn
We sailed to our favourite island Kinn together with my family. Walking up in the spectacular clift in the mountain
Make your life richer!
Do you regret sometimes that you didn`t do it? So do it!
Summer in May
We had a wonderful weekend to the neighbour municipality Bremanger
Sailing together with other boats are fun
We were a group of boats sailing together for a weekend.
A long weekend and National Day 17. of May
On the 17th of May we are celebrating our National day and this is a huge day for all of us.