Norway part 3
We are still in Norway one more week and have many exciting things to tell you about.
We borrowed my mums car and took a ride to Molde, the main town in our area. It is about 22 km to drive. On the way we saw this moose. It was two of them, and later that week we saw three of them. When I grew up we didn`t had moose in our area, but we have always had a lot of deers. It was special to see them in the middle of a day, close to the road.

In Hoem, my village, it was like it is always use to be after some days with beautiful weather, it was foggy… and it was cold. Astor trusted the weather forcast and put summer clothes on!

And also normal; just around the corner before arriving Molde, it was sun! We went first up to Varden where you can see this spectacular view towards Molde and the Romsdal alps. And Astor had the right outfit for this lovely day!

This is a very popular area for hiking!

After enjoying the view from Varden we drove down to town. The roof of the Town Hall is a perfect viewpoint!

Molde church, build in 1957. The previous one burned down after a German attack in the 2WW.

The seafront of Molde.

The main street, Storgata, in Molde.

That day I decided to be a tourist in my own home town. So we visited Romsdal Museum, which is in the middle of Molde. It has been around 30 years since I was there, and this was a perfect day to walk around. Unfortunately the museum is not open on Mondays so we couldn`t go inside the houses.

Romsdal Museum is an open-air museum and shows you many old houses and buildings.

You are free to walk around the houses, and if you are lucky you can see birds and goats. (we didn`t see any goats that day)

It is a beautiful area so I will really recommend you to have a walk around here if you are visiting Molde.

Many of the buildings are from the whole area.

If you are travelling to Molde you can check out their web page:







We had a nice walk around the museum before we had a meeting with a local journalist who wanted to write about our journey. (more about that later)

On our way back to Hoem we could see it was still some fog there…

In the evening we took a walk to Hundetjønna, half of it together with my sister Silje. And it was a bit magic in the fog!

Lucky me. After knowing for 35 years that I have another family I finally got to meet them. Together with Astor I visited my biological father and his wife, and we felt so welcome. After a while my sister, my brother, his girlfriend and daughter came and we were together for many hours. I am so happy they wanted to meet me, and I am looking forward to spend more time with them when we are back in Norway. And hopefully some of them will visit us before we are coming home.
In front, my father, Anders, and me together with my niece Tiril, and back, my sister Ellisif and my brother Torgils.

For Christmas we use to have Pinnekjøtt (it is lamb meat), and since we have been sailing the last two years we haven`t had that since Christmas 2021, and luckily my mother made it to us. It is not easy to find this meat after New Year.

We also had a nice walk on the trail in Hoem together with my mother.


The view on the west side of the trail, where a lot of people have summerhouses.

Here is the track of this trail:

And finally Friday! I had been looking forward to this evening for some weeks. We were invited to join a music video recording close to my village. Two of the guys in the band is Svein Jonny and Bård who I went to school with as a kid. So that is the reason I found this event (friends on Facebook). I asked Unni, who I also went to school with, if she wanted to join, and on top of that we met Wenche and Sonja from our class! It was amazing to see them all again! Besides Unni, (and Sonja on a party some years ago), I haven`t seen the other for almost 30 years. We promised we need to meet again soon! And we are not older than 29, right??
From left; me, Wenche Elin, Svein Jonny, Bård, Unni and Sonja.

This event was along a lake on Åndal. A beautiful evening! And it was so nice to see people I haven`t seen for so many years, not only the people from my class.

And here is a short shoot from the event: (they are singing in my dialekt so if you don`t live nearby it is hard to understand 🙂 )
On Saturday we woke up to an article in the local newspaper!


Then it was time to go to church again. Now it was Lucas` confirmation and we went to Eide Church.

The dinner was in Lucas` grandparents house, beautiful decorated.


The three confirmands together; Lucas, Ailin and Sigurd.

Lucas together with his brothers and parents: Kim Atle, Filip, Lucas, Elias and Monica. As you maybe can see it is a little bit of rain that day, but it was a very nice day for all of us!

Here is a video from this confirmation:
Sunday it was nice weather again and since mum and dad had an extra confirmation to go to, we borrowed my mums car and took a hike in Julsundet together with Silje, Runar and Sander.

It is not often we can do a hike together and this was a perfect day.

The view from Svartnakken towards Hollingen and Gossen island.

Jendemsfjellet, where Astor and me did a hike the week before.

We needed a bite of chocolate on the “top”.

Astor and me as you can see!

We didn`t walk back the same way but made an aroundtrip to Hundetjønna.

It was a beautiful day to do this hike!

Here is the track for this hike:

Monday evening we had an event in Molde Seilforening to tell them about our journey.

After many days (weeks) with cakes we finally took our last bite!! After 4 confirmations, 3 events telling about our journey, 1 time guest in the radio, 1 time guest in the newspaper, 1 music video recording, and on top; meeting my biological family!! It was worth a glas of wine!

It was 3 amazing weeks in Norway and I am so happy that we choose to take this trip even if we didn`t had money for it. Our flight back was from Molde to Oslo and then Rome. Here is a photo from the airport in Molde.

It was another beautiful day in Romsdal and it was a little bit sad to say goodbye. The funny thing was that I met another cousin, aunt and uncle at the airport, and another uncle was at the same plane as us!

It was nice to see all the mountains on the way to Oslo.

And it was still some snow left.

And on top of all we had done these three weeks I met my friend Gunn and her husband Bjørnar at Gardermoen Airport. They took us to Jessheim where we had lunch together before we took the flight further on to Rome. I have known Gunn for 35 years, started as penfriends, and we have visited each other many times. Last time is about 10 years ago. So it was really nice that they had time to meet us!

This trip back was amazing, after two years it was so nice to see friends and family again, and now I am looking forward to go back home this autumn. It is still some nautical miles to sail so we will not be home until October I think. I promise you our next blogpost is coming soon!

One Comment
Betty Stjernen
Takk for følget! 🥰🥰