Norway part 2
After four days in Florø it was time to go to Molde. We travelled with Hurtigruten, this is a small cruiseship going from Bergen to Kirkenes every day (almost). Since I have been working in a travel agency I know this boats very well and it is an amazing way to travel along the coastline of Norway.
The biggest problem about travelling with Hurtigruten from Florø, going north, is that they are leaving Florø in the middle of the night. Luckily Ingrid wanted to wake up and drive us to the harbour.
The weather was beautiful and as calm as it can be in Norway. From the saloon we had a stunning view to fjords and mountains. We were alone so we could find a sofa to relax on. (most of the travellers have a cabin, and most of them are travelling all the way to Kirkenes and back to Bergen.

After 6 hours we arrived in Ålesund. The boat is staying there for many hours so we choosed to take the bus for the rest of our trip to Molde instead. Ålesund is a town worth visiting and I have been here many times since it is close to my hometown Molde.

Here is the guestharbour of Ålesund. We haven`t been there because it is pritty expensive. After sailing in the Med we think it is not expensive to sail around in Norway anymore!

We had a nice walk with heavy bags/suitcases, from the boat to the bus station. This was a Wednesday, but it was 1th of May so no shops was open. But it was a beautiful day so many people were walking around.

From Ålesund it is about one hour to Vestnes ferry quay with the bus wich take us to Molde on the other side of the Romsdalsfjord. It is still snow in the mountains.

The ferry is coming!

In Molde we waited for my parents to pick us up.

And finally we arrived in Hoem, where I grew up. This is the house my parents build 52 years ago and they are still living there.

After some days with no activities we took the opportunity to have a walk around the trail in Hoem. The people in the village made this trail some years ago, but it has been a trail there for hundred years. The kids used this to walk to school between the two villages Ytre (Outer) and Indre (Inner) Hoem.
An old womas was living in this house when I was a kid. She had too many cats in the house.

This is a nice trail and the roundtrip from my parents house (including walking along the road) is 2,5 km. Not long, but it is nice if you don`t have time for a longer hike.

Further up in the village.


Jendemsfjellet (Jendem mountain) in beautiful colours before sunset.

Still a little bit of sun left!

The next day we went to Molde with my mother to do some shopping and I had to take a photo of this amazing view of the fjord and the mountains on the other side.

Hotel Seilet in Molde

May in Norway is beautiful with green forrest, blue water and white snow in the mountains. This is the view from my parents house.

We went to the church to take some drone shoots. I visited the grave for my grandparents.

Vågøy Church

The view from the church towards Elnesvågen, the main village in our municipality where I went to school.



Jendemsfjellet (Jendem mountain)

A beautiful evening!

The next day we did the hike to Jendemsfjellet. The peak is at 634 masl. It says on this sign it takes 1 hour to the top. Do that and let me know!!

We started the hike from the new parking place on Jendem. It has been there for some years but I have never started there before. It makes the hike much longer. The trail starts steep and we walked through forrest but after a while we got the view!

The ferry from Hollingsholm to Gossen.

Here you can see Jendem. The island behind is Oterøya.

In the distance we could see the snowy mountains on the other side of Romsdalsfjord.

Jendemsfjellet has always been a steep hike, like today. It is never time to relax, only if you sit down.

The island of Gossen.

On the peak there is a sign with information about what you can see from here.

Here is Frænafjorden where I grow up. This is a beuatiful place! And the view from the top is stunning!

The view to Hustadvika, one of the hardest part along the Norwegian coastline.

We had a long break on the top. This was early May but it felt like it was mid summer!

Astor on the top. I have been on Jentemsfjellet several times, but it was the first time for Astor.

When this flower (anemone nemorosa in latin) arrives it is spring! My absolutely favourite!

Here is a video from this amazing hike:
In the evening we could sit outside with my mum and dad having coffee and snacks (and pepsi max for Astor and me, we don`t drink coffee)

Indre Hoem. From left, the community house, my aunt`s house, my parents house, the yellow one is not family, and the red and white to the right is my aunt and uncle`s house. The red one inn front is my cousin Arild`s house. My grand parents lived there until 1998 when my grandmother died.

The place where I grew up!

Do you want to see more from the place where I grew up? Here it is!
Then it was time for my niece Ailin`s confirmation. We helped them decorating the place.


Ailin together with her parents, Runar and Silje, and her brother Sander.

This was a big day for Ailin.

After dinner it was coffee and cakes. A lot of cakes!

My family: Tommy Roar (my eldest brother), Kim Atle (my youngest brother), my parents, Jon and Lillian, me, and my sister Silje Cathrin. My mother has made these national costumes (bunad in Norwegian) (and many more!)

Here is a video from this day:
My mother and I outside their house.

And the next day it was Sigurd`s day, and what a day! What a morning!

From the church, Vågøy Church.

Sigurd and his parents, Tommy Roar and Ida.

The cousins together, Sigurd, Sander, Leah, Elias, Ailin, Filip and Lucas.

My mother together with Silje Cathrin, Leah, Ailin and me.

And here is a video from Sigurd`s confirmation:
In my next post we continue our holiday in Norway!

Suzanne Stanford
My husband helped you this morning in Cabo de Palos with your rope. We took a picture of you out on the water if you’d like us to send it to you. I can’t find an email address on here for you. So just email me and let me know if you’d like it and I’ll email it back! Safe travels!
Oh! Thank you so much for your help. It is not always easy to get out from a quay 😉 My email is lailaanita1970@gmail.com 🙂 We are on the way to Almeria, sailing a couple of hours more 🙂 Enjoy your stay!