Türkiye part 2
It is always nice to come to Marmaris. The wind is turning through the day, but it is most of the day very calm. Specially in the morning.

The day after we arrived it was big things going on in city center. Tur Türkiye arrived in Marmaris. They closed the street and it was a lot of people there from the production.

Unfortunately I had lunch at my favourite restaurant Sevgiyolu when they arrived. (We asked around but it was hard to get a correct time, and it was to warm to stand there just to wait)

It was still summer in Marmaris and a lot of sea activities in the bay.

It was hard to find a place to cross the street…

The new boiler we bought in Marmaris last winther failed a month ago with an internal leak inside. Had to bring it to the shop so they could repair it. Since they should open it anywhy I asked them to make an extra coil for the webasto to make hot water with it.

And I was here, at Sevgiyolu, having the ballonbread and my pepsi max, waiting for Astor. He was around on boat shops 🙂

We also had dinner at Sevgiyolu later that evening. After dinner we walked around the town to have a look. It is totally different here from the winter we stayed here, it is still summer and a lot of tourists.
A guy stopped us in front of a restaurant and wanted us to come inside. He was speaking norwegian, and song one of the football-songs from a Norwegian team. Since we already have had eaten dinner he invited us for a irish coffee on the house! We had a plan to go back there another day for dinner, but we didn`t manage that.

A beautiful morning!

The next day thay had the startpoint for the race in Marmaris. Here is many of the production people before they start.

The schools were engaged to fill up the roads with people.

Here is a video from the race:
Another dinner at Sevgiyolu. Delicoius!

One day Astor went to the boat shops, I had a 8 km walk along the beach.

On the way back I found a sunbed at Tiffany waiting for Astor. It was free if you bought something to drink and eat.

Then it was time for some bad weather. The lightning started a fire in the forrest, we could see it from the boat. But after many fires here they are professionals and stopped it pritty soon.
(watch the lightning in the video from the week in Marmaris)

It was time for a new market and we found some delicious strawberries. They tasted almost like the norwegian strawberries!!. Here with icecream.

Sunday and monday is days in Türkiye were many shops are closed. And because the water is not clean in the bay we decided to sail out of the bay for a couple of days. We anchored in the bay of Kumlubük.

In the hill above us you will find Amos Antik Kenti and of course we needed to check it out. There should be a trail right from the beach were we anchored.
It was easy to find the beginning of the trail, but much of it is overgrown so you have to watch your steps!

Some places it was easy to see the trail.

We came up to the entrance to the ancient place and there it was a very nice trail.

Stairs up to the ancient theater.

The ancient theater. You can see Marmaris inside the bay. Amazing view from here!

The view to the bay, you can see Felizia down there. There is a couple of restaurants in the bay but we didn`t go there.

The view to the other side.

Not many flowers at this time of the year.

It is a nice trail to the end of the peninsula.

Here is a video from this small hike:
Three years ago I bought this dress for a wedding and now it was too big for me, so I asked a tailor in Marmaris to fix it, and he did. I am just waiting for a place to dance!

Meetingpoint! Right behind the dinghydock!

One day it was a dinghy regatta right in front of the boat.

It was time to say goodbye to Marmaris and we decided to sail back to the bay outside Marmaris, together with Mike, who we met in Marmaris last winter.

We invited him for dinner that evening and next morning he sailed back to Marmaris.
We saw a hotel from the boat we wanted to check out (because it looked very special from the sea) Up in the hill it was an amazing view to the bay.

Normally we get company of dogs, but not here!

You can see the hotel in the middle of the photo. It is a hotel only for adults. But it looked like an abandoned place from the boat.

Unfortunately the hotel was closed with a gate, so we walked further up the hill instead.

From above the hotel look’s a bit different from what we saw from the boat.

It was a nice walk up the hill. The beach in the bay was really nice, but also very quiet at this time of the year. Some partyboats, but that was only for some hours for lunch.

A video from Marmaris:
Next time we continue around the peninsula of Bozburun and sailed to Datca to check out from Türkiye,