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Two of the smallest islands in the Cyclades, Schinoussa and Koufonisi


We sailed from Ios to Schinoussa, with a short stop on the island of Iraklia. Due to the weather it was not possible for us to sail all the way to Schinoussa and arrive before sunset. So we anchored in the bay of Alimias where you can see a plane from the 2WW if you are snorkling. So be aware of that when you are anchoring. A short video of the aircraft and the bay:

The next day we sailed to Livadi Bay on Schinoussa where our friend Harald had already stayed for a couple of weeks. We got a beautiful sunset there the first evening.

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The next morning Astor and I took a little hike to the village. The bay of Livadi is big enough for many boats, a really beautiful place to anchor!

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It is 1,5 km to the village and here you can find many restaurants and some small supermarkets. It is nicest to go here in the evening. In the morning it was very quiet.

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Some nice restaurant which would be open from lunch.

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Not many animals to see, but a donkey, goats and sheeps we saw on our way.

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On the northern side of the island.

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We wanted to walk to an old windmill, but the were a closed gate, so we walked back to the village.

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Beautiful flowers. In Norwegian – Hawaii Rose.

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Very quiet in the streets this early.

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The view from the heliport, close to the village.

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Some of the houses in the village.

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In the middle of the photo you can see the innermost part of the port. It is possible to anchor or moor there but it is not nice when the ferries coming in.

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On the way back to the boat we can see all the boats anchor in Livida Bay.

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The island we came from, Iraklia.

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A part of the village.

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When we came back to the boat we had breakfast and was relaxing in the boat (I was relaxing)… Then suddenly I heard a lot of noise from some of the other boats. And then we saw a boat was dragging. Our Norwegian friend Harald was already in his dinghy on the way to the dragging boat, and Astor jumped into our dinghy to help Harald.

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They manage together to start the boat, hoist the anchor and move the boat to a safer place in the bay.

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I made waffels and we invited Harald over.

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And yes, here they are, Jürgen and Andrea from BeHappy, the catamaran which dragged. And they look happy here! But they said they needed some ouzo when they came back to the beach and couldn`t see the boat on the place they left it. They invited us over for some drinks.

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And after some drinks, Harald, Astor and me walked to the village to have dinner. We tried first to go to the restaurant in the bay, but that was closed. But we didn`t regret walking to the village. So much nicer to see the village in the evening, and so many nice restaurants.

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And a lot of cats.

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A very cozy cat.

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We had a little bit of fun on the way back to the boat! (foto; Harald Finnsjø)

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The next day Andrea and Jürgen also came with us to the village. (foto; Harald Finnsjø)

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We found another nice restaurants and we could share some sailors stories!

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The next morning it was calm and most of the boats left the bay (it had been windy for some days). Astor and I walked to the village to buy bread.

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It is gravel road, so the shoes will be dirty…

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I wouldn`t stay here for a long time, but a cozy island to visit for some days.

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A lot of flowers everywhere.

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After we came back to the boat we had breakfast, and then Harald came over to help us hoist Astor up in the mast. I can manage it alone, but it is much easier to be two.

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Kato Koufonisi

We said goodbye for now to Harald and sailed further on to Kato Koufonisi, and the same did BeHappy. So they invited us for dinner. They have three cats onnboard, and I love cats 🙂

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We made some bacondades and the cats was all over us because of the smell.

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And Andrea gave them some bacon. And a bit strange; one of the cats was born in Tunisia and because of that a muslim… he didn`t wanna eat bacon… hihi…

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Andrea and Jürgen had made onion pai, something I have never tasted before, but it was really good!

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Ano Koufonisi

The next day we sailed over to Ano Koufonisi and found this amazing anchorage in the northern part of the island, Pori. What a colour!!

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We decided to have a walk to town and to have lunch there. We walked along the coastline.

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Some really nice places along the trail.

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Like a swimmingpool!

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Many nice beaches.

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Many of the Greek houses are white, but theese houses was in a beautiful blue colour.

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The town is not that big, but it is a very nice place. But again, it was siesta and at the end of the season, so very quiet.

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We walked to the port before we walked up to town.

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Nice flowers and decorations.

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And we almost gave up to find a restaurant, then we found one which was open. It was only a few couple there so it was no problem to find a table. After we had been there for 20 minutes another couple came in and went to the table next to us. Almost no people around, and they were Norwegian!!! I am not sure how long that lunch was, but we had so much to discuss.

And there were some nice cats too.

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A video from our walk:

The next day our plan was to sail to the next island, Amorgos, but we wanted to have a short trip ashore before we set sail.

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I guess this is the most beautiful bay on our journey so far! We also met the family from SY Lemonade, Marco and Michelle, they are friends of our friends from Australia so we had heard a lot about them.

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We just walked around the peninsula and looked at all the caves and rock formations.

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Theese cliffs are popular to jump from (not for me)

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They say it is possible to anchor here, but then the weather conditions has to be right!

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We had a walk along this amazing beach before we went back to the boat and set sail for Amorgos.

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On Amorgos we rented a car together with Andrea and Jürgen, and explored the island. Follow us next time!

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