We said goodbye to Marmaris and all the friends we got there and we head towards Cyprus!
And what happens when it is time to leave? All the nice things!!! I remember when I was a kid and my family visited another family every sunday (or we had visit from them). All the kids were so sky the whole time, until the last 30 minutes! So when my parents were ready to go home, we were not!!
Sunday Bobby and Gül invited us for dinner in Bobbys catamaran. They had also invited some other boats so we were 13 people together. It was music and dancing in many hours. Really fun, but I felt a little bit sad because I knew that this would be the last week together with theese amazing people 🙁

Tuesday we thought we had our last evening in Marmaris and went to Sevgiyolu for dinner. It has been amazing there for all theese weeks. Amazing people and amazing food! Erhan promissed me I could see how they made this amazing bread and I asked if it was okay that I made a video.
Here is the bread when it is ready to eat!

Wednesday three of the boats were in Adaköy Marina and Sharon and Geoff invited all of us for BBQ. We sailed over from town and anchor around the corner of the marina.

And as always, the guys were making “ALL” the food! Here is Andy from Canada and Renato from Brazil.

And Geoff from Australia was the host (together with Sharon)


I was joking about whom was making the dinner. Both Sharon, Cacilda and Karina made different part of the dish, everything was delicious!

Amazing people! Sharon and Geoff from Australia, Andy and Karina from Canada/Mexico, Renato and Cacilda from Brazil and Astor and me from Norway! Hope to see you all again somewhere!

The last evening in Marmaris we went to a restaurant together with Jamie and Jeff, Sharon and Geoff, and Mike. Sharon and Geoff were also leaving the next day.
I used the last days in Marmaris to pick up a package from Norway. It was sent a month ago from our hometown and we knew it was sent from Istanbul to Marmaris, and because our visa expired the next week we were a little bit stressed about this. Okay, that is a long story, but after custom, hospital, postoffice and help from our agent Ogüz, I got a message from him when we had this dinner that I could pick up the parcel the next morning. I couldn`t believe it! The problem was that it was medicin in the package. End of story: I got the package without my medicin. (but I get the medicin at the pharmasy here)

Leaving Marmaris
Finally!! A big thank you to Ogüz at Hermes Yacht with all the help in Marmaris!

Really calm morning and no sailing wind, but we are soooo ready to leave Marmaris!

Our anchorage the last three months

Not many people along the promenade that early in the morning

Some of the things inside the parcel. Thanks Ingrid for helping me sending this! And thanks for the homemade snacks, it was amazing!

We said goodbye to Marmaris and sailed south along the coast of Türkiye. We found a beautiful anchorage in the entrance of the bay of Fethiye. It was so quiet and the water was so clear! I guess this anchorage is quite full in the season. We will come back here if we are sailing in Türkiye again.

No sailingwind

For weeks we have had plans to go to Göcek and finally we made it

Idyllic Göcek

So many people were talking about Göcek so we had high expectations.

A lonely guy in the main street

A lot of the shops were closed. Of course it is quiet because it is early saturday morning, maybe it would be better later.

The sign says something like : How happy is the one who says I am a Turk

Nice pigeons and their houses



After a couple of hours in Göcek we sailed towards Kas. We had a stop for a night in a nice anchorage. Nice mountains around the bay.

A nice sunset from the anchorage

Before sunrise we sailed towards Kas. Nice view of the mountains with snow on the peak.

We used the gennaker most of the way, perfect sailing

Kas lies inside a peninsula and because of all the wind from the west we sailed around the peninsula and anchored in Ottoman Goldens. We took the dinghy to this hotel and walked 3 km into town. We had an appointment with Mustafa, a friend of Ogüz in Marmaris, who should help us to check out of Türkiye.

It was a nice walk into town

This was sunday evening and a lot of people were around

We looked after a restaurant with wifi to download some youtube. On the way to Kas we ran out of data and since it was sunday it was not possible to buy more. Anyway, since we should sail from Türkiye the next day we kept it like that. But with at least 24 hours of sail it would be nice to have something to watch.




On the way back it was nice colours in the mountain

Close to Kas you will find Antiphellos Antic Kenti and we took a short stop there.

A nice place to see the sunset

If you have time, come here to see the sunset, bring a bottle of wine and enjoy!

Kas seen from the sea

We had to sail into the customs dock to check out. Our agent Mustafa met us there to help us out. We had two hours walking around (and download more) before we had to come back to the boat and leave the country.
So now we were ready to say goodbye to Türkiye for now. Türkiye has been nice for three months, but unfortunately we have seen only a small part of the country. The prices in Türkiye has increased the last year so it is not as cheap as it has been before. It was cheap to do shopping, specially at the supermarket, and it was very cheap to have dinner at a restaurant. If you wanted to buy a beer or bottle of wine on the supermarket it was almost the same prices as in Norway (so expensive). Staying in a marina is so expensive that we couldn`t afford it so we were anchoring the whole time. Very nice people in Marmaris, quiet, and we felt safe everywhere.

We expected 24 hours from Kas to Cyprus and this was the sunset. We thought we should arrive Cyprus the next day. We sailed gennaker through almost all night but at the end the wind stopped and we had to motorsail.

Because of no wind we realized we wouldn`t arrive Cyprus before the day after so we relaxed onboard and used our cushions on deck. The weather became warmer as closer to Cyprus we came.

So this is the sunset nr. 2. We used 46 hours on this journey. We could have use shorter time, but we couldn`t arrive at the marina before they opened in the morning so we needed to slow down.

In the evening we watched youtube channels. Here we are watching sailing Zatara which is an american family sailing the last 6 years around the world. Now they are sailing in Egypt so they are pritty close to us.

A beautiful sunrise the morning we arrived in Cyprus.

Here is our journey from Marmaris to Cyprus!

We had booked a week in St. Rafaels Marina, some kilometers east of Limassol, and there we also could check in to the country.
While Astor was checking in I had a visitor onboard.

Felizia in the marina

There is a beach on both side of the marina and a promenade 14 km to Limassol. You can walk 650 meter to a bustop where the bus takes you to Limassol every 15 minutes.
A nice marina, and people were very welcoming. There is a restaurant but we didn`t use it. They have shower and toilets, but it looked about something from the 70`s, so I used the shower in our boat.
The price pr. night was 47 euros for us. We asked if we could stay for a month, but unfortunately they didn`t had space for us that long.

In Norway we use to take all the empty plasticbootles to the supermarkets and get money for them. It`s not like that here. But they have made this big whales where we can put the empty plasticbottles.

The view towards Limassol from the beach at the marina.

We have been very lucky with the weather for the whole winter, and now in Cyprus it is like a good summer in Norway, and that is perfect! The water temperature could be a little bit higher though (around 17). We will stay in Cyprus for some weeks, maybe a month, we don`t have any plan. Cyprus is new to us so we have a lot to explore. Since I have been working in a travel agency for years I have sent a lot of people here, so it is nice to see all the hotels I know from my job.
In the next blog we will tell you about the huge carneval, visiting Limassol zoo, and we rented a car for fore days.