Roadtrip, hiking, and meeting new friends
We are still in Marmaris. We want to sail south to Göcek, but the wind is always coming from south… so we are not planning anything.
We are always looking for places to hike around here, but it is difficult. But it is a hill nearby and it looked like it was a gravel road around it. So we headed on to find this place.
As soon we are behind the biggest supermarket MMM Migros the view is great! We walked along the beach to this big hotel before we walked up to Migros and continued up the hill.

It is a viewpoint right behind the Migros.



We took off from the main road up to the farm in the beginning of this gravel road. But here it was stop. A sign told us “be aware of the dog”, and the dog was barking at us… The owner came out so we ask her if it was allowed to walk in, and she said it was private. So we had to turn and walk back.

Astor had some work to do in the mast, installing a new wind transducer.

From the mast it is a nice view

I have started to make carrot soup, it is so delicious!!
The recipe is:
Water with broth (I used chicken)
salt/pepper if needed (taste)
Boil the carrrots in broth water, fry garlic, onion and ginger. Put it in the soup and use the hand blender to mix it well together. Put parmesan inside, it will melt. Serve together with some bread or salty biscuits.

Full moon over Marmaris and we went to Sevgiyolo for dinner. There we met Jerker (origin Sweden, living in Marmaris) and his wife Zuzu (from Istanbul). They invited us to their appartment just around the corner for a drink after dinner.

And the next day they invited us for dinner. They have a beautiful view over the beach and the anchorage.


It was a really nice evening

Jerker is still working (even if he is over 70) and he is selling church organs. He is also selling guitars and stuff. We tried to play ukulele… not a big success….

The next day we invited them to the boat for a small sailing in the bay

And I made carrot soup for lunch

Zuzu, me and the captain!

Monday they invited us for a roadtrip in their cabriolet! We were waiting for them outside their apartment.


A nice allee with old ecalyptustrees

After 30 minuts drive we arrived in Akyaka, and stopped for breakfast/brunch/lunch at Cennet Restaurant


A beautiful place along the river

We had a typical turkish breakfast and it was very good!

Zuzu and Astor

Jerker and me

A lot of ducks in the river waiting for some bread



After the meal we drove to the center of Akyaka and had a walk around




A nice beach, but too cold for a swim

A lot of restaurants and small shops



Here is a short video from our roadtrip:
Hiding from the storm
When we came back we hoisted the anchor and sailed south to our favourite bay here in Marmaris, if it is a lot of wind from south we goes there. The weather forcast was not good for a couple of days.

It is a small bay with palm trees.

A local boat also came over to anchor here.

It is too much garbage on the beach here, so we decided to pick most of it. This plasticbag was only a part of it. It is not empty but it is much better!

And actually, it was not very cold in the water (around 17 celsius) so I decided to swim back to the boat. I haven`t been swimming since october I think….

And when I had a swim, of course Astor needed to take one as well!

After a day with a lot of wind and rain the ocean was like this… I didn`t wanna swim in this…

And when we came back to the city the beach was like this… but after a day or two it was clean again.

The weather is constantly changing some days

Hiking to Armutalan
Saturday, and we decided to go for a hike. Jerker told us about a trail from the beach to Armutalan which is suburb to Marmaris.

In the beginning it was a nice gravel road and not steep

Beautiful terrain

A while ago it was a wild fire here so they have taken down a lot of logs and planted new forrest

In the morning my stomach was not good and seriously I should not go for a hike this day, but I am pritty stubborn and I wanted to have some fresh air in the hill! I had to stop every ten meter because I almost passed out…


After a while and we started to climb and it was easy to see that it had been raining for a couple of days…

We went up from the south side and got the view over Marmaris

Astor almost on the top




On the top we sat down and had an orange. Nice view down to Armutalan and Marmaris

Here is the route we went

And here is a short video from our hike:
Saturday evening Jerker asked us if we wanted to join them for dinner at Bono restaurant. We didn`t had any plan so we went ashore and had dinner with them and Ismail and Sivgil, both from Türkiye but living in Sweden. Good food and nice company!
Sunday Ismail and Sivgil invited oss over for dinner and of course we wanted to visited them. From their apartment they have a nice view over the bay.

They served something turkish, delicious!

So this week we have met new people and we are so grateful of all kindness we feel from people here. It is hard to leave Marmaris (also because of the wind situation 🙂 )
And thanks to our friends at Sevgiyolu letting us sit here with our computers to download videos and posts while having dinner and a glas of redwine. You are the best!

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