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Poros, Kea, Kythnos and Serifos in a week


Monday morning, and we left Ermioni. Nice place to stay for a day or two!

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Our next destination was Poros. We were at Poros also back in 2015 on our first chartersailing in Greece. When you are in a group on a charterboat it is not much time to see places, it is mostly sailing, dinner, sleeping and leaving next morning. So we didn`t see much of Poros that time.

We had a rough sailing from Ermioni to Poros, it was a lot of wind and it comes right on the nose.

Her you can see on a video how it was:


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We met a lot of boats coming from Poros so we hoped for a space for us in the marina. But many boat came from north, Aegina, Athens, so all places were filled up again.

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We decided go around the island to Ormos Porou. In this strong wind it was okay to stay there. We took our dinghy to the beach and walked to the town

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We had been in contact with the norwegian guy Hans in a facebook group and we visited him in his boat. He brought us a brown cheese from Norway (typically norwegian thing), thanks a lot Hans! Another couple from Sweden came also over to the boat, and we decided to have dinner together.

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The next day we went early to town with our laundry. Unfortunately they couldn`t take it the same day, so we had to come back the next day.

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We walked around, up all the stairs

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If you walk up to the clock tower, you will have a nice view down to the city center, and to the bay around the island

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We stopped up and had a pancake for lunch. Delicious!

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We invited Hans for dinner that evening, we had lasagna. Nice evening!

We had to wait until 12 before picking up our laundry so we took a walk over the hill. We started right from the bay where we anchored and walked up to the small church, where we had an amazing view, even better than from the clock tower.

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An old windmill

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The trail was good marked and it was really nice to go there

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At the end of the trail we come to the Saint Anargiri Church

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We walked back a little bit before a new trail took us down on the other side of the island

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After picking up our laundry we sat sail but it was no wind, as you can see

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So we sailed back to Poros and anchored in a bay on the western side.

We woke up early next morning and decided to start sailing before sunrise. It was a beautiful morning (we should do like this more often)

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We sailed east to the island Kea, and anchored on the west side where we wanted to explore the archaelogical site of Karthaia. This is a place in the middle of nowhere. We anchored here in the bay, even if it was a bit windy. It is a lot of rocks on the beach so watch out when you taking the dinghy ashore.

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If you are staying in a hotel on the island and have a car available you can drive here, and walk the last part down to the site.

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Yup, had to climb!

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The first settlement goes back to the 8th century BC. It developed gradually into a large and prosperous city-state with 1500 inhabitants, whose economy was based on agriculture, cattle-raising, apiculture and flourishing commerce through Karthaias well situated port.

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The area was inhabited until the 7th century AD, although the administrative center of the island was relocated to Ioulis.

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The theatre, total capasity 880 seats.

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A small church, unfortunately I have only the Greek name, with Greek letters.

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The door to the church was open so I went inside

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A really nice place, and the best thing is that we had the whole place for ourselves!

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It was to windy to stay there over night, so we sailed over to Kythnos, to the twin bay of Kolona. We were here back in 2016 on a chartersailing having a lunchstop. Now we wanted to stay here to hide from the northerly meltemi winds for the next days.

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This is a beautiful place and in the summer the bay is full of boats.

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We had a short walk up to the church on the top of the hill

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It is a nice view up there but it was so windy we hardly could stand still.

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This boat got some problems in the beginning of september and are still waiting to be rescued

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On the north end of the beach there is a restaurant, also open now in the middle of october.

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After two nights at Kythnos the wind got a bit calmer and it was time to sail on. Our next goal was Serifos.

The view to the old town from the west side. Of course we had to go up there!


And the view from the bay where we anchored. We got some problem with the lines to our lazyjack when we hoist the sail today and it was a lot of wind when we came into the bay, but we worked it out taking the sail down.

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The town of Livadi is not big, but there are some restaurants, supermarkets and other shops.

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We anchored and were ready to hike up to Chora. Chora is used for the main city when the city has the same name as the island.

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I saw, from the boat, a lot of stairs, so I was prepared

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So many nice details. I believe in the summer it is totally different here. Today we were almost alone

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And of course we have to go all the way up to the church on the top of the town

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A beautiful view from the church

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Yes, I took that photo!

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On the way back to the boat we stopped by this house (we guess it is the priest`s house, he come out from it. OMG he has a lot of cats… so we had to sit down..

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When we came back to Livadi we had dinner on a restaurant there (not memorable), before we took the dinghy back to the boat. After a good nights sleep in the bay here we hoisted the anchor and sailed south. Our plan was to sail to Sifnos, but the wind was good so we changed the plan and went to Milos instead. We sailed to the town Adamantas, which is located in a huge bay. On the way into the bay it was a lot to see. Here is Plaka, the old town. We also see more on this photo but I will explane more in my next blog when we are visiting this area.

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And then we have Klima Beach, the most beautiful and colourful place I have ever seen!

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A cosy small town, we will check it out!


For next week we will stay at Milos for a couple of days, renting a car, before we visiting Kimolos and celebrating the Oxi-Day at Sifnos. So much to tell you next week as well!

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