
Ålvora, Hillersøya and Florø Guest harbour


Last Friday we had to go sailing. The weatherforcast was very good. Some wind, but we are sailors!! We invited the students living in our housem Joakim, Ane and Sara (Simen missed it out, sorry for him 🙂 ) On the way to the harbour at Ålvora the wind came from behind, so it was lovely.

I love decorating tables, even if we are in the house or outside somewhere! Ålvora is a beautiful place and it`s within short distance from our home harbour, if we don`t have time to do a longer trip. And this evening it was more wind outside.




Saturday Astor had to go to Bergen together with Michael and Jon to pick up Michael`s new sailboat.


Jon and Michael still happy…

They didn`t had much wind on their way along the westcoast of Norway



Thursday we had a day off, it is a national holiday – Kristi Himmelfartsdag/The Ascension Day. And we were lucky, waking up to this beautiful weather, with a good summer temperature. We could actually sit outside eating breakfast.

This day is ID, the celebration day for all muslims. Our fosterdaughter visit a friends family to celebrate with them. So our plan was a sailtrip!

In Solheimsfjorden we met this fishingboat, and I am pritty sure that he has fish onboard…


You can also see some eagles there. We counted 4.

And one of them were waiting ashore


We sailed to Hillersøy. I have told you about this harbour before so I will not write about it today. It was good wind from north and it was a perfect sailingday. I expected someone was here on a day like this, but we were the only one.

Astor made a fire and barbecued

We met Marcus at the supermarket the day before, together with a friend of mine. He is a part of the group living in our house and wanted to go sailing. So we invited him for this trip today.


Since we were working the next day we decided to stay in the guestharbour in the city center that night. We had a very good wind on the way back, we had 8 knots almost all the way.


Florø Guest harbour

It was a beautiful evening in the harbour and we could sit outside the whole evening. We drove Marcus back home and we bought some icecream and ate it together with strawberries in the boat. We don`t have norwegian strawberries yet, but it was okay.

A beautiful boat came in and we had to check it out. It was Alma of Frøya, the boat was build in Haugesund in 2013 by some students so it was pritty new. It was a really nice boat.




And this is Atløy, build in 1931. This boat has Florø as her hometown and you can rent it for a boattrip. With this boat you can go to see all of our three lighthouses this summer, every Tuesday and Thursday.


Alma of Frøya in the sunset

What are we up to next week? Pls check us out in next post!

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